Who is this blog for?

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Having spent a fair amount of time now getting this thing off the ground (WordPress being slightly more complicated than the internet led us to believe…), and having been blown away by the feedback so far, we’ve been thinking a bit about who this blog is really for.

Let’s be honest, it’s really only for two people – and that’s:

Our Mums

We’d include a picture of them both here but we don’t think they’d thank us!

On a serious note, the blog is aimed at our family, friends, colleagues (they’re friends too, really) to keep up to date with what we’re doing and where we’ve been.

Friends and family at our wedding in 2012 in London

It’s also for ourselves – as a way of keeping a record of our journey which from past experience is a lovely thing to have and look back on.

Memories are for keeping… Weekending on Goat Island, NZ (2012)

Having said that, we know that the weird and connected world of the internet might mean that people who we don’t know directly, or who don’t know someone that we know, will visit. If that’s you – Hi! Feel free to browse around and tell us what you think.

We’re guessing these people might be made up of:

Cycling people. You might be interested in doing cycling trips, you might have done a trip/s, you might like reading about gear ratios, the best place to wild camp in the Bulgarian mountains or what the comfiest sleeping mat is on the market (hopefully the one I’ve bought!) We hope there might be something interesting here for you to read/see/learn.

We can highly recommend cider poured from a great height as a delicious post-cycling refreshment in Potes, Cantabria (Northern Spain, 2018)

People who have dealt with/are dealing with infertility, or who have found themselves childless not by choice. Amongst the posts about whether a Brooks saddle really is comfy, and reviews of different kimchi flavours, we might post now and again (as we already have) about our experiences of infertility. As well as possibly some reflections on the new status we find ourselves living – being childless not by choice. We really hope that things we have to say, or the experiences we have had, might help someone else, a little, maybe.

Pollença, Mallorca (2022)

Happy reading! 🙂

17 responses to “Who is this blog for?”

  1. Richard Peel Avatar
    Richard Peel

    Good luck guys!! Xx

  2. Mary-Anne Avatar

    Bon voyage for tomorrow and enjoy your adventures! We will look forward to following your progress. Love to you both R and M-A

  3. Sarah Kemp Avatar
    Sarah Kemp

    Wishing you all the best on your amazing adventure. I’ll be following your journey with interest. The BHS gang will keep an eye on Mother!

    1. Matt Cope Avatar
      Matt Cope

      Thanks Sarah!

  4. Linda Avatar

    Hi, old work colleague from Matt’s Hertfordshire days here – sending best wishes and good luck with the trip – looking forward to following your blog!

    1. Matt Cope Avatar
      Matt Cope

      So lovely to see your name pop-up, Linda! Will drop you an email x

  5. Bridgett Posey Avatar
    Bridgett Posey

    Good luck and enjoy your adventures
    Bridgett and John x

    1. Matt Cope Avatar
      Matt Cope

      Thanks Mrs Posey! Looking forward to getting started now – inbetweeny land of selling the house and lots of goodbyes is a little odd! Hope you and the family are well x

  6. Anna Demetriou Avatar
    Anna Demetriou

    Ditto! Really looking forward to following your adventures and reading your musings, guys – you both write so well x

    1. Matt Cope Avatar
      Matt Cope

      Awww – thanks Anna! Sadly I have to confess that Sarah’s done all the writing so far…!

  7. GJ Avatar

    Will you be charting the impact of the various cuisines on your gut, via the Bristol Stool Scale?

    1. Matt Cope Avatar
      Matt Cope

      Let’s see how traffic to the site tracks over time before we make any decisions.

  8. Jenny Boddington Avatar
    Jenny Boddington

    Good Luck on your travels Matt and Sarah, looking forward to reading all about it!

    Jenny and Dave

    1. Matt Cope Avatar
      Matt Cope

      Thanks both! Great to have you with us… Hope you’re keeping well 🙂

  9. Tessa Lovell Avatar
    Tessa Lovell

    Already my favourite blog on the internet right now

    1. Matt Cope Avatar
      Matt Cope

      Thanks Tess – not sure we’ll ever break the internet, but here’s to trying!

  10. P.c.pete Avatar


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